
Wheel Bearing Front (Fiat Bertone X1/9 5-Spd 1979-88) - EURO OLD STOCK

  Wheel Bearing Front (Fiat Bertone X1/9 5-Spd 1979-88) - EURO OLD STOCK
Our Price: $51.79

Part#: 4419314 / 5941798 / 7634573-EURO

Availability: In Stock

A high quality Italian maker European New Old Replacement Stock  (BREDA, CPM, etc.) front wheel bearing for all 5-Spd Fiat and Bertone X1/9s from 1979-88.

To preserve the maximum life-span of the wheel bearings by ensuring they are protected from dust and dirt, we recommend replacement of the v-ring seals in the axle hubs.
(our part number 4374303)

Fiat Bertone X1/9 5-Spd (1979-88)
Yugo w/Automatic transmission

Condition: NEW
New and Unused.